
Shuming Bao Pro.

Co-Director, China Data Lab

Director, China Data Institute,Harvard University

Co-Director of Geocomputation Center for Social Sciences, Wuhan University

Director of Urban and Regional Analysis Laboratory, East China University of Science and Technology

CONTACT INFORMATION;p: (734)680-3943

Shuming Bao received his B.S. in computer science from Hefei Universityof Technology in 1982, M.A. in applied statistics from Shanghai University ofFinance and Economics in 1987, and Ph. D. in applied economics from ClemsonUniversity in 1996. He was a research scientist at MathSoft from 1996-97, andis currently the director of the Spatial Data Center and the China Data Centerat the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He was the founding director of theKey Lab of Poyang Lake Ecological Environment and Resources Development of theMinistry of Education at Jiangxi Normal University from 2004 to 2009, and hasbeen serving as the founding director of the Lab for Urban and RegionalAnalysis of East China University of Science and Technology from 2009 to current.He served as the president of the association for Chinese professionals ingeographic information science (CPGIS) for 1999-2000, the Vice-President of theChinese Economists Society (CES) for 2002-2003, He has been the generalsecretary of CPGIS since 2009 and the executive director of CES since 2005. Dr.Bao’s primary research interests are in GIS, regional economics, spatialstatistics and econometrics.


1996.8 (1992.1-1996.5). Ph.D., AppliedEconomics, Clemson University

1987.7(1985.8-1987.7). M. A., AppliedStatistics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

1982.1(1978.1-1982.1). ComputerScience and Information Engineering, Hefei University of Technology

Professional Experience

1982.2-1985.7: Research Engineer, Shanghai Research Institute of PowerEquipment

1987.8-1991.10: Lecturer, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

1996.6-1997.7: Research Scientist, MathSoft, Inc.

1997.8-2012.6: Senior Research Associate and Senior Research Coordinatorfor China Initiatives, International Institute

2012.7- : Associate Research Scientist of ICPSR and Director of ChinaData Center, University of Michigan

2016-2019 : Director, Spatial Data Center, University of Michigan

2019- : Co-Director, China Data Lab and Director, China Data Institute,Harvard University


PI,The Assessment of Huaihe River Watershed Health and Decision Making SupportSystem (200,000 RMB), Henan University, 2016-2018.

Co-PI,The Development of Computing Social Science with Big Data (800,000 RMB), TheNational Social Sciences Foundation of China, 2016-2018.

PI,The Spatial Study of Historical Development of Christianity in China, Jointlywith Fudan University, funded by the UM Center for Chinese Studies ($20,000) 2015-16

Co-PI,Spatial Study of Religion and Society, Henry Luce Foundation ($400,000),2014-2016.

Co-PI,Spatial Religion Information Network, Henry Luce Foundation ($300,000),2011-2013.

PI,The Virtual Environment and Arts in Time and Space, UM Confucius Institute($6,000), 2011.

PI, ChinaUrbanism Review Project, World Bank ($30,000), 2010

PI,The Comparative Studies of Poyang Lake and Other Lake Regions, JiangxiGovernment (200,000 RMB), 2008

PI, Astudy of the applications of remote sending, GIS and spatial-temporal modelingmethods in the analysis of recurrent diseases, NSFC (330,000 RMB), 2001.07-2012.09.

PI,The Development of Space-Time Model and Technology, NSFC (100,000 RMB), 2005.9-07.9.

Co-PI,Changing Responses of Land Dynamics and Vulnerability to Flooding Under Policyand Environmental Change near Poyang Lake, China, NASA ($530,000), 2005.9-08.9

Co-Investigator,Michigan Interdisciplinary Center on Social Inequalities, Mind, and BodyInfrastructure Grant, NIH ($2,000,000), 2005.7-08.6.

Co-Investigator,The Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics supported by GOFC/ GOLD and NEESPI,NASA ($600,000), 2005.1-07.12.

Co-Investigator,The Information Technology Based Study of the Transmission and Spread ofContagious Diseases in Time and Space, sponsored by NSF of China 05.5-09.4.

Co-Investigator,The Early Warning System of Schistosomiasis in China, sponsored by the Ministryof Science and Technology. 2005.1-07.12.

Co-Investigator,Integrated Assessments of Vulnerabilities and Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change in the WesternRegion of China ($160,000), sponsored by UNEP. 2003-05.

PrincipalInvestigator, Understanding China in Geography ($15,000), sponsored by theUndergraduate Research Opportunity Program, University of Michigan. 2002-03

Consultant,A Study of Western China Development, sponsored by Harvard Center forInternational Development. 2001-03

Co-PrincipalInvestigator, Internet Based China Culture Map - a Pilot Project on Silkroad($35,900), jointly with the Department of History of Arts, University ofMichigan. 2000-02.

PrincipalInvestigator, Spatial Data Deployment and Visualization with Internet GIS - anInternet2 Pilot Projects Awards ($20,000), jointly with the Map Library andSchool of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan. 1998-00.

Selected Publications

Veeck,Gregory, Clifton W. Pannell, Youqin Huang, Shuming Bao, 2016. China'sGeography: Globalization and the Dynamics of Political, Economic, and SocialChange. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

LIU,Guirong, Shuming BAO,Jinfeng SHE,HongliZHANG. 2016. The Spatio-temporal Analysis of Financial Institution Structure inChina. In Geographical Research.

Ji,Yecheng, Zuojuan Hu, Shuming Bao. 2015. Study on Spatial Effect and ThresholdCharacter of Local Government R&D Spending and Private R&DExpenditures. In Social Science Press, Jilin University, 2015, 55(5), Pages47-52.

Rui,Jianxun, Fayong Zhang, Shuming Bao, and Congxiao Wang, 2015. TheSpatial-temporal Data Managing Model of Typhoon Events and Process. In Journalof Catastrophology, 2015.30(3).43-46.

Tian,Qing, Daniel G. Brown, Shuming Bao and Shuhua Qi, 2015. Assessing and mappinghuman well-being for sustainable development amid flood hazards: Poyang LakeRegion of China. In Applied Geography, Vol. 63, September 2015, Pages 66–76;doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2015.06.007.

Zhang,Wenjie and Shuming Bao, 2015. Created Unequal: A snapshot of regional payinequality and its relations to China’s mega-trend urbanization. In AppliedGeography, Vol. 61, July 2015, Pages 81–93; DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2014.12.019.

Zhu,Xinyan, Bing She, Wei Guo, Shuming Bao and Di Chen. 2015. Integrating SpatialData Linkage and Analysis Services in A Geoportal for China Urban Research. InTransactions in GIS, Vol. 19 (1): 107–128.

Zhong,Yexi and Shuming Bao, 2014. A Space-Time Analysis of Religious Landscape inChina. In Tropical Geography ,Vol.34(5): 591-598.

Zhang,Chenfeng, Shuming Bao, Bing She, Xinyan Zhu, and Xu Zhang, 2014. SpatialIntelligence for Regional Analysis. In International Journal of AppliedGeospatial Research, 2014, Vol. 5(2): 59-73.

Liu,Shibao and Shuming Bao, 2014. The Regional Difference and Dynamic Linkagebetween the development of Financial Institutions and Economic Growth. InPublic Finance Studies, 2014 (5).

Zhu, Xinyan, Bing She, Wei Guo, Shuming Bao and Di Chen. 2014.Integrating Spatial Data Linkage and Analysis Services in a Geoportal for ChinaUrban Research. In Transactions in GIS, April 2014, doi: 10.1111/tgis.12084.



Hi 我是小智
